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New females to keep in the herd for generations to come
Reynolds Livestock
50 Red Angus Heifers
AI Bred 7/14/24 to Registered Red Angus calving ease bulls Resonate or Marksman. Cleaned up with Registered KFC Red Angus Bulls. 36 confirmed AI bred. 14 due to calf 5/4 - 5/26 (22 day calving window)
John Reynolds, Dodgeville, WI 608-574-7428​

Dean Hovden
25-30 Bred Heifers
30-40 Open Yearling Heifers
Dean Hovden has a large, beautiful herd of commercial Red Angus cattle. We are pleased once again to be able to market some of his cattle through our sale.
Dean Hovden, Decorah, IA 563-379-2815​​

Breezy Hill Farms
12 Open & Breedable Heifers
Breezy Hill Farms have been breeding Red Angus since 2010, you will be proud to own these heifers for many years to come.
Lancaster, WI 608-732-6619​

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